Councillors are summoned to the Annual Meeting of Deighton Parish Council to be held on Monday 24th May 2021 in Escrick Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Chairman: Cllr S Hardcastle

Acting Clerk/RFO: Mrs J Fletcher, Eppleworth, Main Street, Deighton, York YO19 6HD


21001                    Chairman’s Welcome

21002                    Election of Chairman

a)       To accept nominations and elect the Chairman for the forthcoming year

b)      The elected Chairman to sign the Declaration of Office form

21003                    To receive apologies for absence and approve reasons for absence

21004                    Election of Vice Chairman

a)       To accept nominations and elect the Vice Chairman for the forthcoming year

21005                    To receive any declarations of interest

21006                    All Councillors to sign new Declaration of Interest forms

21007                    To appoint representatives to:-

a)       YLCA meetings

b)      Health & Safety responsibility

c)       Publicity Officer

d)      HR Panel

21008                    To confirm Standing Orders adopted on 8th October 2018 in line with the updated financial Regulations and to consider whether additional Standing Orders or amendments to the existing ones are required.

21009                    Internal Control – To review and consider the effectiveness of the following areas of Internal Control and decide on any necessary action.

a.        To consider and/or confirm the Annual Review of the System of Internal Control

b.       To appoint the Internal Auditor for 2021-22 and confirm the audit plan

c.       To appoint the Responsible Financial Officer

d.       To confirm the Risk Management Policy adopted April 2021

e.       To confirm the Financial Regulations adopted April 2021

f.        To note the Asset Register dated March 2021

g.       To receive and consider insurance quotations and to decide on insurance renewal on 1 June 2021

h.       To note the bank reconciliation for 2020/21

21010                    To confirm health & safety policy.

21011                    To resolve to renew annual membership of YLCA

21012                    To resolve to use the services of Autela Payroll when a new Clerk is appointed and to

confirm that when appointed the Clerks wages will be in accordance with NJC agreement for local government workers and that staff are eligible to join the North Yorkshire Pension fund.  To decide on the frequency of Staff performance reviews

21013                    To set the times, dates and place of ordinary meetings of the full council for the forthcoming year.



21014                    To sign the AGAR Exemption Certificate to confirm that the (Councils income and expenditure is below £25,000

21015                    To consider the Annual Governance Statement for 2020/21 for approval by resolution.

21016                    To consider the Accounting Statements for 2020/21 signed by the RFO for approval by resolution.

21017                    Chairman to sign and date the Accounting Statements

21018                    To set the period for the exercise of public rights to inspect the unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability

21019                    To confirm that in accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 Sl 2020

 /404 The Accounts and Audit (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 and the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities, Deighton Parish Council will publish the following documents on a public website:-

-Annual Internal Audit Report

-Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2020/21

- Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2020/21

- Analysis of Variances

- Bank Reconciliation to 31 March 2021

- Notice of the period for the exercise of public rights and other information


Closure of Annual Meeting and opening of ordinary meeting.






21020                    Chairman’s Welcome

21021                    To receive apologies and approve reasons for absence

21022                    To receive any declarations of Interest

21023                    To receive and approve the minutes of the meeting of full council held 12 April 2021

21024                    Public Forum and any reports from Police and Ward Councillor

21025                    Vacancy for Clerk – progress report

21026                    Councillor Vacancies – to receive any applications for co-option

21027                    Neighbourhood Plan – Progress report

21028                    Speed Monitoring/Cameras – VAS Report/Update from Councillor Chambers

21029                    Disaster Emergency Plan – Progress report from Councillor Henshall

21030                    Finance

                                To approve the following invoices for payment

a)        Reimbursement to Cllr Hardcastle for stationery, hard drives and postage stamps for neighbourhood plan distribution.

Vision ICT – website hosting  £150

b)       Bank Reconciliation

c)       Receipts – First instalment precept and Vat refund

21031                    Planning

                                Deighton Lodge Limited Rush Farm (Game Farm) York Road Deighton York

Variation of condition 4 of planning permission 16/00267/FUL to alter the number of weddings that can be held in 2022 and 2023 from 15 per year to 38 in total (average of 19 per year) over the course of 2022 and 2023.



21032                    Internal Audit Report

                             To consider the internal audit report for 2020/21 and to decide on appropriate action.

21033                    Closure of Meeting